Monday, September 9, 2013

What is Biblical Peace?

Often when people talk about “peace” they think in terms of not having war.  That might be a form of national peace, but that is only a portion of what peace is in the Bible.  In the New Testament times “peace” was used as a term to mean what some politicians describe today—peace through warfare, through conquest and defeating enemies.  This stands in stark opposition to the peace of Jesus.

In the Bible, there are two main words used for “peace”.  One is “shalom”, the Hebrew word for peace in the Old Testament scriptures.  In the New Testament, the Greek word “erine” was used as a replacement for “shalom” but they really meant the same thing.  In both testaments it was commonly used as a greeting.  We might think that the greeting was simply a general way of saying, “Hey, I won’t kill you,” like shaking hands used to mean that no one was holding weapons.  But “shalom” meant more than that.

1.       Peace is personal and national
Just like today, the term “peace” in the Bible is used as a personal, individual characteristic, as well as a community or national one.  It is used as a characteristic for a church as well as being content with one’s lot.  It also is used to express a lack of conflict between two people.

2.       Peace means “complete well-being”
“Shalom” certainly stood for having a lack of conflict. But it also meant having one’s needs met, and not having anxiety.  It meant being of good health and having good relationships. 
Yet a little while and the wicked man will be no more; and you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there. But the humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant peace. Psalm 37:10-11

3.        Peace means both security and contentment
To have “shalom” was to be safe from harm.  But it also meant that one’s mind was at rest from oppressions, whether real or exaggerated.  To be at peace is to be free from both spiritual and inner demons.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 

4.       Peace is reconciliation
Paul the apostle especially uses the term “peace” to speak of the reconciliation of all peoples under God.  It is the reconciliation of people with God and people with each other. This is the ending of false separations between races, sexes and religions, all unified under God through Jesus.

5.       Peace is unity
Christian peace is seen as unity between all followers of Jesus, forgiveness and holding others as more important than oneself.  Peace is love in community.
So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.  Colossians 3:12-15

6.       Peace is often seen as an agreement or covenant
Peace is sometimes established by a covenant, like a peace treaty.   Covenants, or permanent agreements between people, are tools for peace.  So when Jesus established his “new covenant” is was a peace treaty.
They said, "We see plainly that the LORD has been with you; so we said, 'Let there now be an oath between us, even between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you, that you will do us no harm, just as we have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have sent you away in peace. You are now the blessed of the LORD.'"  Genesis 26:28-29

7.       Peace comes from God
To truly be at peace is to receive peace from God.  The Bible doesn’t deny that there are other places to obtain peace, but that such peace is temporary and sometimes false.  God is the only source of peace that is complete and permanent.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  John 14:27

What is peacemaking?
Thus, when Jesus speaks of his people being “peace-makers”, he is saying not so much that they stop wars, but that they bring peace to all relationships, to communities at large.  That they mend relationships, and create unity in Jesus.  They meet human needs and so create whole communities. 

Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shalom (Peace) in the Old Testament

(Excluding Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel because I ran out of time)

Gen 15:15; I Kings 2:6; II Kings 22:20-- Peaceful death; dying well, contentedly
Gen 26:29; I Samuel 16:4-5; 20:13; 21; II Sam 17:3, 18:28; I Kings 22:27-- No harm done, but done good to, good health
Gen 28:21; Gen 29:6; Gen 37:14; Gen 43:27-28; Ex 4:18; 18:7; Numbers 6:2;6; Joshua 10:21; Judges 6:23; Judges 8:9; Judges 11:31; 18:15; 19:20;I Samuel 17:18; II Sam 20:9; II Kings 4:26; II Kings 5:21; Job 15:21; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 73:3; Prov. 3:2:17;   -- general statement of well-being
Gen 37:4; Deut 2:26-- Positive speech, speech with good intentions
Gen 41:16-- Answer of peace-- telling him what he wants to know
Gen 43:23; Job 21:9; Daniel 10:19-- Without anxiety
Genesis 44:17; I samuel 25:35; II Sam 3:21-23; 15:27; II Sam 18:28-- Without harm
Exodus 18:23-- Receiving a proper judgement; being not concerned
Leviticus 26:6-- no enemies, no destructive animals; victory over enemies
Numbers 25:12-- Covenant of peace-- granting him a blessing of perpetual priesthood
Deut 20:10-11; Josh 9:15; Judges 11:13; Judges 21:13; Psalm 120:6-7-- Terms of peace, to avoid war
Deuteronomy 23:6; Psalm 37:11-- Economic well being
Deut 29:19-- Inner contentment
Judges 4:17-- treaty between nations/kings
Judges 18:6; I Samuel 1:17; I Sanuel 20:42; I samuel 29:7; II Sam 15:9, II Sam 15:9; -- "Go in peace", a wish or promise for well being in their future
Judges 19:20; I sam 10:4; I Samuel 17:22; 25:5; 30:21; II Sam 8:10-- Greeting
I Samuel 20:7-- No problem
I Samuel 25:6-- wish for prosperity in all his life and possessions
II Sam 11:17-- The state of something, whether good or bad
II Sam 19:24 -- Restored to previous position
I Kings 2:33  -- Prosperity, well-being
I Kings 4:24; I Kings 20:18  --Without conflict, war
I Kings 5:12; Ezra 9:12; Psalm 55:20; Obediah 1:7 -- In covenant, agreement
II Kings 9:18  -- Well being, lack of war
II Kings 9:22; II Kings 20:19; Psalm 147:14; Isa 9:6-7-- Well being of a nation
I Chron  12:17 -- No betrayal
I Chron 12:18 – Success, no harm
Psalm 4:8—At rest, able to sleep
Psalm 34:14; Psalm 37:37– Seek the well-being of all
Psalm 35:20--Speaking to undermine others
Psalm 38:3--Guilt= no peace in my bones
Psalm 41:9—Trusted
Psalm 55:18-- Survival without harm through a battle
Psalm 122:6-8; 125:5; 128:6; General blessing
Micah 5:5--Defense against enemies

Erine (Peace) in the New Testament

Lack of persecution—Matt. 10:34; Luke 12:51
Blessing of well-being—Matt 10:13; Luke 10:5-6; Acts 15:33; Rom 2:10, 3:7; Gal 6:16; Eph 6:23; II Thess 3:16; James 2:16; I Peter 5:14; III John 1:14
Post-Healing blessing—Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; Luke 8:48
Well-Being—Luke 1:79; 2:14; II Pet 3:14
Good death—Luke 2:29
Safe/safety—Luke 11:21; I Thess 5:3; Heb 11:31
Covenant to avoid war—Luke 14:32; Acts 12:20
God’s order—Luke 19:38
Well-being of a nation—Luke 19:42
Greeting—Luke 24:36; John 20:19, 21, 26; Rom 1:7; I Cor 1:3; II Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; Phil 1:2; Col 1:2; I Thess 1:1; II Thess 1:2; I Tim 1:2; II Tim 1:2; Titus 1:4; Phile 1:3; I Pet 1:2; II Pet 1:2; II John 1:3; Jude 1:2; Rev 1:4
Lack of anxiety—John 14:27; Phil 4:7
Inner peace—John 16:33
Lack of conflict—Acts 7:26
Good news of peace—Acts 10:36; Eph 6:15;
Without punishment—Acts 16:36
Peace with God—Rom 5:1
Without death—Rom 8:6
Building up others—Acts 9:31; Rom 14:19; II Cor 13:11
God of peace—Rom 15:33, 16:20; Phil 4:9; I Thess 5:23; II Thess 3:16; Heb 13:20; II Cor 13:11
Unity, community—I Cor 7:15; Col 3:15; II Tim 2:22; James 3:18; Mark 9:50; I Thess 5:13
Not chaos—I Cor 14:33
Support, care—I Cor 16:11
Aspect of love—Gal 5:22
Reconciliation—Eph 2:14, 15, 17;
No harm/conflict—Heb 12:14; Rom 12:18
Do good, not evil to others—I Peter 3:11
Lack of war—Rev 6:4
Creating peace—Matt 5:9